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Environmental Documents

View of tall grass located near waterways near UC Merced

The 2020 Project secured entitlements under the California Environmental Quality Act and federal environmental laws. 

The 2009 Long-Range Development Plan (LRDP) final environmental impact statement/environmental impact report (2009 LRDP EIS/EIR) analyzed potential environmental impacts associated with implementation of the 2009 Long-Range Development Plan and the Merced 2020 Project.  

What's in the EIS/EIR

The EIS/EIR consists of three volumes and a final document incorporating revisions and comments. In 2013, an amendment related to the Merced 2020 Project was adopted. 

The environmental impacts of development of facilities to accommodate up to 10,000 students were evaluated in the 2009 LRDP EIS/EIR, and the document was certified in March 2009.

In 2013, Addendum No. 6 to Volume 3 of the 2009 LRDP EIS/EIR was prepared to document that no further environmental review is required before approval of an LRDP amendment to facilitate the revised Merced 2020 Project.

The revised Merced 2020 Project included the same total square footage of development as originally envisioned in the 2009 LRDP EIS/EIR but on a smaller land-use footprint. The 2009 LRDP EIR/EIS's mitigation measures will be implemented as part of the revised Merced 2020 Project.

Environmental Documents

Environmental Planning Web Archive

Full set of environmental documents


Environmental Fact Sheet